I was watching TV the other morning and I heard one of the guest in Today's Show mentioned, "You have to be in love with life."
That utterance, struck me to a fold! It was one of the most meaningful quote I heard. I was able to say to myself that it is indeed true that you can just continue to live life but if you don't know the essence of life then it's probably meaningless.
I just thought that we need fire, passion to live. I realized that no matter how difficult these things are, I need not be weary and tired. I should love life, be in love with life like the way I had been in love a couple of times to some people that came into my life. In essense, you have to be passionate in life. It helps to make you whole and face life differently.
Sometimes when we are faced with challenges, we tend to forget about how to live. Also, we forget about life is good, life is beautiful. As I heard those words from the mouth of the person on the TV, I just actualized that I have been consumed with so much worries lately and I am forgetting to live like it's my last day in this world. I should come back soon to normal state!