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WHO I love was the guy I met when I was 22. He was intelligent, sexy and full of ambition in life. He inspired me to become better.
WHAT I love was the guy I met when I was 24. We met through common friends. He was someone I found to be a perfect strike of balance at that point in time! He was fun to be with, stable and sensible who inspired me that life's a colorful journey.
WHERE I love is someone I met from the most unexpected channel that is, via online! Who
said that finding someone for a serious romantic relationship isn't possible from the online channel?! He taught me how to become more independent and his commitment to me though short-lived experience, gave me a wonderful perspective on what I want later in my life ahead -- work, family & personal aspects.
WHEN I love is someone I felt I didn't need to love as a partner just because my other priorities in life such as my career was more important to me at that point in time. The relationship I had with him didn't endure the distance, the differences in our outlook, the almost seemingly immature nature of the connection we had. And it made perfect sense somehow because, even when I love at that moment I knew I won't be 100% giving it my all. However, I know I cared a lot about him.
HOW I love was someone I met when I was in the US. He is years older than me. I got so enamored by his perfect sensibility in life. He got me inspired by the situation that he and I shared deeply at that point. We fell in love at the imperfections and humanity. HOW I love is someone I know I won't forget because he showed me how I can love and how worthy I am to be loved. And that I shouldn't let anybody define me not even someone I love. I am myself. I am me.
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN & HOW is someone I am loving, enjoying the company, partnership and friendship. He is someone who I have the up and down moments, and someone I've committed to be in a relationship. I know in my heart that if who i love, what i love, where i love, when i love and how i love is someone who ends up being part of my life on this Earth, I know I already won almost half the battle in this crazy little arena of love & partnership.
For I know he will be my last and I won't ask much because WHO you love is who you are, WHAT you love is the reality that being in a relationship is a mixture of good and bad moments, WHERE you love is where your counterpoints doesn't matter because love is universal, WHEN you love it's not time bound, it's endless, and HOW you love is not a question of "how" but rather a statement of your ability to love to the fullest no matter what, without much qualms or conditions as much as possible.
To YOU my 4Ws and 1H, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. It's a wonderful milestone that I will always remember and I won't stop for as long as you and I know it's a journey worth a thousand years! I thank you for your inspiration, patience and understanding. Ours is not a typical relationship where boy meets girl, or girl meets boy. Ours is the unusual sweet connection and even though some may not fully understand the reality of it, in the end I know that our LOVE will conquer them all and we will live to inspire those who has forgotten that LOVE is UNIVERSAL and ETERNALLY POWERFUL.