Thursday, June 09, 2005


PGMA and her allies are in big big trouble lately. So what is new? The Filipinos are always hounded by political instability and turmoil. Since the time when the 2nd World War, this country is always in the running field but it never came to a point that it reach some point of progress.

Back then, the world was recovering and so the Philippines is like one of the best countries. As they said, we were more advanced than our neighboring countries before. The effect of American colonization on this country has certainly affected the lives of many people. Good and bad, the American presence to this country was something...

Philippine Independence day is just a couple of days away. Looking back and being a Filipino, I am in such big question why this country never really made it big in the world in terms of economic stability & political maturity.

So many ideas are lurking inside my head as to why and what is the reason behind Philippines rise and fall so to speak. Filipinos as they said lack the discipline, they have strong regionalism, overly religious belief, high streak crab mentality and ever rising brain drain are some of the obvious answers that I could think of.

I am in big trouble perhaps because as part of this country, I am not in a secure situation. I am not fully enjoying the good life, the good society, the progress.

If we will only learn. Well, that is what I can say. Many of us are always complaining and trying to destroy the reputation of somebody just to grab power and success. That is one Filipino behavior that has been with us for so many years now. Sad to say and as truth really hurts, this behavior kept us hanging on the drain hole.

Moving forward, I must say I am not a good citizen of this country. Why? Because like most people, I complain, I don't feel the sense of nationalism that most advocate of nationalism would feel. I am not very supportive of the government for I have always put a negative connotation to its governance.

Oh well, as of this writing I cannot think of something good to end this mind is in limbo and so many thoughts are coming inside my head. Mixed expressions and thoughts about my beloved Philippines....

In short, maybe like most Filipinos, I am confuse and I do not know what direction I should take to live my life as Filipino citizen. At the same time, I am dissatisfied with what my life has turned out to be in my country, like how the Philippine economy had been going through UPS and DOWNS. So much for this...

With that, I can only, "Mabuhay pa din ang Pilipinas! Kasihan nawa tayo ng pagpapala ng Diyos at Kanyang pagmamahal."

1 comment:

haPpY_eLF said...

i'm losing faith.. viva jon!
yun na lang. viva jon!

see yah soon dahlin'