"Money is evil dressed in the smell of gold. It is evil inspired as much as it was a blessing from heaven."
I am not from a rich family, not even from a well to do clan. My mom and dad used to tell me to be diligent in all my works and undertakings so that I can achieve much and earn enough to gain all the success, material things and blessings that I have now. It's not easy to work hard and at the end of the day just let the fruit of your labor just be put to pay bills, utilities and only a few to savings. Anyways, I am thankful I earn enough and that's something to keep me sustained together with my dad. It's just enough for myself and my dad. There are times when I can extend some for those who need assistance. BUT IF I DO THAT, sometimes the people in my surrounding thinks am a money machine. WELL now I AM TELLING YOU I AM NOT. I am just like anybody else who works hard and earn the money. In fact, I am a slave in the corporate world. NOW YOU TELL ME, IS THAT THE MAKING OF A MONEY MACHINE. NO!
Of all the blessings and evil that came by in my life, money is perhaps the most prominent, significant item. I just can't deduce the fact that while I am pretty much blessed and perhaps earning enough for myself and my dad right now, some people would think I AM SO RICH! The fact of life is, I AM NOT. I am still working my ass up just to live and sustain all these things I am enjoying. AND WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT, IF I ENJOY MY EARNINGS. I DESERVE IT, TOGETHER WITH SOME EXTRAVAGANCE I WANT TO SHOWER MY DAD AND MYSELF. I THANK GOD ALWAYS FOR GIVING ME LIFE, MAKING ME DO THE THINGS I DID AND THE BLESSINGS HE SHOWERED ON ME.
Nonetheless, like life is wheel, money is never enough. TRUE! Even the richest person in the world would agree to this. I am in need of more money right now. These are the days when some crossroads are being faced by anyone. Just as I am facing something right now, a bigger crossroad that no one could possibly ever imagine. To alleviate an impending disaster, I am thinking I need to secure all the money I can get. IT MAY SOUND SO OVERRATED BUT I AM NOT SAYING THIS JUST FOR THE SAKE OF SAYING IT. I would be prudent that nowadays, apart from all my plans, I get so vigilant to obtain any receivable that I am expecting from my landlords, friends, and even relatives. I would look like I am so greedy just by writing all these lines right now about my dire need to obtain all the money wealth I can get! WELL, I don't care about what you think bitch and dog! The fact of life is, I am in need of money. FOR THE REASONS I AM ONLY IN THE CAPACITY TO KNOW and UNDERSTAND.
Just tonight, in the comfort of my house, I contacted my exlandlord to give me my apartment deposit,which is considerably a big amount. It's an amount enough to cover some other expenses so that I wouldn't have to worry too much. TO MY DISMAY, I didn't get any response from her up to this point! I just can't fathom the idea. I just can't understand why does it seem she's ignoring me. IS IT TOO MUCH TO REPLY TO MY TEXT! FUCKING SHET! IT'S MY MONEY THAT I AM TRYING TO GET! WHY CAN'T SHE INFORM ME AT LEAST OF THE STATUS. I HATE SUCH DISPLAY OF NOT SEEMING TO CARE AT ALL. Some of you will say, "It's only money!".. Well honey it ain't money til you have it in your pocket! And if you have more pressing reason in your life, you would think I am not so fucking asshole at all at this point.
I am extra sensitive about money matters because it's not like the first time when I experience some discomfort for not getting what is owed to me because of money. There was a time when my mom lent her money to my uncle until both of them died already and they never get to settle the credits. Now it's like a big crack in our family (at least from my end to the family of my uncle). That money could have been helpful to us if it was returned to us. Anyways, it's like water down the drain! IT'S AN AMPLE SUM OF MONEY WHICH I DON'T ANYONE CAN JUST SHOVE OFF. In fairness to my Uncle's family, they were quite in a hard time then so my mom can't really force them to pay. And as they say blood is thicker than marinara sauce. NOW, it's my generation, our generation, my cousin and I who should settle. But then, I don't think she and her brother is in the right set of mind to at least pay us back. I CAN SEE SHE'S DOING WELL NOW. That's really good, so isn't it automatic if you're doing well at least be sensitive to pay back, reach out and let us know if you still plan to pay your dad's debt. Which by the way my mom was so kind to understand after all those years we never really pressure your ends to pay.
In my own dealings, I've been trustful and kind enough to provide some close friends some assistance and even other relatives. I am generous, understanding to a point when it comes to money. Although I realize that my mom and I does seem to share same destiny when we lend money to others, I just can't seem to really think of the bad thing. But then, TO MY OWN DISCOMFORT, IT IS I STILL WHO WOULD BE BEGGING THEM (those who owe me money) TO GIVE IT BACK TO ME. While I understand their reasons, DO THEY REALIZE I ALSO HAVE MY REASONS?! TO MY HEARTACHE, I WOULD BE MARKED AS THE BAD GUY IF I DON'T SEEM TO EXTEND MY UNDERSTANDING. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON THIS WORLD?!
Back to my exlandlord,I just wish she settles with me. I need the details and I need it now damn shet! Oh well, I try to keep my cool. I just had to vent now 'cause I'd been following up with her for a month already. Aside from that, there are other finances I need to settle and am waiting to balance my spreadsheet. For some friends that I am also sending their statements to me, you would understand. I am not just saying all these to create a sensation. It's seldom that I burst out and tell the world of everything!
NOW! You tell me. Why shouldn't I feel bad about not getting my money! It's my money! It's for me. Aside from the fact that I have financial obligations to fulfill, there's a lot of reason right now that I NEED EVERY RECEIVABLE THAT I CAN GET! Read my mind from these, you'll know what and how big of a trouble I am facing right now.
Now, you tell me. Should I calm down!? NO WAY! As much as I am trying to be rational about it. Sorry. I HAVE MY REASONS!