... is perhaps one of the best thing that I can say I have never felt in a long while 

...is indeed real when you know that you would be worried more than he/she is if there are almost seemingly obvious reasons to be worried about
... is such a sweet feeling to have because it reminds you that you are human and capable of love
... is very scary too because it's like a two bladed sword where you might get hurt and at the same time be happy! I choose to be happy feeling like this.
... is when you both feel the need to care about what is happening to each others life be it small pimple or a big wrinkle in life
... is really one good reminder that you are ready to take another chance not knowing what may lie ahead for both of you , in good faith, in strong will and high risk .. to be together through thick and think, to love and to hold one another for richer or poorer
... I say , may it be a good will to see through the future, no obstacles only smooth journeys with the grace of the Universe!