Life is a continuous learning process and it just gives me a good enough battery to use to let me live my life and think through things that I can use and get some threads of life strands and streaks.
This year I took a stab in writing about those items and I wanted to share it here on this blog, not just to use it as a pat on my shoulder, but hopefully for those who will read this one, you will learn and get inspired by what I am sharing.
This is not an exhaustive listing of my learning but rather consider this as a part of the random writings that I've always try to express every so often to gauge and reassess my next steps ahead.

1. Dream big in life. Start early with an end-goal or ambition to keep you going.
2. Write and express yourself by all mean. Writing, I would say is my eternal passion. Ever since I learned how to weave words, metaphors and expressions , those came as my outlet when I am happy, in love, sad, angry or at a lost.
3. Love thy family. Even though I would say I have a high degree of independence, I never relinquish my dedication to my parents and extended family. Given all what I have and will have I would be glad to share and give to the best that I can. That's simply how I realized I am.
4. No apologies. No regrets. My life is complex enough to be sorry and to regret on what I can't do and possibly control. So I try to not overdo it.
5. Health is important. When you are younger, you can let go of being careless about your health. But as you age, try to be more aware and live a happy , healthy outlook.
6. Play and enjoy life. It's a joy ride nonetheless.
7. As I age, I would say that I am like my Tatay. In over the years, as much as I do not want to admit it, I see a great deal of me from my Tatay.
8. Study hard and learn. Education is a pass to greatness,
9. Work hard and know what you want. Being dedicated and knowing your goals define your road ahead in the professional arena somehow.
10. Be patient. It's worth it. It's not very easy to be tolerant but always try to take a breather.
11. Love your friends with all your heart. They were given to you for a reason even though at times you either hate them, or you get disappointed with them or you feel that they don't really care about you, your friends are your wall and baseline of courage when things get rough.
12. Learn to forgive. It's hard to forgive but try to learn to still do so.
13. Learn to forget. It's not easy to let go of hurts, but do give it a whirl and see how far can you go.
14. Always smile. I was told I look better when I smile, my eyes expresses a certain brightness by smiling. I tend to agree. :) :) :)
15. Age is a number. With years that you grow tired, but the number reminds us that we are not invincible after all. It's our focal point.
16. Count your blessings when you are feeling down. That is tried and tested way to feel optimistic!
17. Take a break from the usual routine. You deserve to take some break from time to time. Most especially when you know you're bored and you are feeling disconnected. Come back up stronger!
18. Travel. Plan to travel whether it's a short trip or a grand vacation.
19. Read stuffs - by learning new information you make a new perspective come to mind and eventually to your LIFE!
20. Compare yourself to others, it's a reminder that you're not perfect. Contrary to the saying that says otherwise. But never indulge on why the other one is far better or lesser than you are, that's the bad side of it if you do.
21. Money makes the world spin. So you better have some of that moolah! I think it's essential to have some financial power.
22. Trust is earned.
23. Faith is a choice.
24. Relationships are hard work, but it's a good experience nonetheless.
25. Love is powerful (or conquers all) but it's not enough in the context of being in a romantic relationship, that's a misconception.
26. Don't lose your belief system or values.
27. There is ONE Great Source of Power, never forget that.
28. Magic is real, it's inside you. Tap it!
29. Booze, wine, alcohol are your good companions too. Just drink in moderation.
30. If you stumble in your life, pick yourself up!
31. Keep it cool and avoid being high blood when the going gets tough.
32. Always communicate with your loved ones, a chat, a text, a minute to hear their voices or feel their loving warmth and hug is a blessing.
33. When death comes, mourn it, accept it and stay focus ahead
34. If you get sick, become ill , pray to GOD that HE helps you to see through it. Get some support system too.
35. Spend and indulge from time to time. It's your reward to yourself for all your hard work and diligence. DO it if you can afford it.
36. Enjoy life most of the time. Don't over worry! Don't overthink! Worry is the enemy of ageing. Do you want to look old by worrying too much?
37. Do not forget to THANK the Source for all that HE has given you, for all that will be and has been! Being grateful is a good practice, it comes back to you!
#jonTastic #JTErrificlife #livelife