1. You either don't have a say about his or her acts ot decision. Plain simple insensitive stubborness...
2. You're not married so you don't get to officially decide for the welfare of each other. The promises you said or committment for each other is simply not as solidified by union of marriage. Asa ka pa!
3. You're still nobody , you're not even blood related so he/she can dismiss your suggestions, opinions, inputs or rants. That's as far as he/she can make you feel if he/she doesn't want to acknowledge your presence.
4. You're probably just into the relationship when he/she thinks it's okay & that there's always who would understand and be more calm. In this case, maybe call the other person "walang pakialam" for apparently missing the essence of partnership and even friendship that is to CARE for one or feel CARED about.
5. Each is still his or her own person & with excuse #2 in line, you cannot push your agenda even if it is for your partner's sake. You may just become the KONTRABIDA to his face if you will push it. So what u can do is just zip you mouth!
6. "Bakla ako eh!" Maybe true that being gay could be an excuse. But it's rather a Bull excuse to not see that some good intentions are meant not just for the partnership but for the supposed recipient of the intent. It's not being gay that made you as a person who cares, it's being human and it's also human to feel bad when your partner seems to not acknowledge your good intent.
It's just sad that many gay men perhaps will experience the same scenario and they won't find a way to get out of it.
It may take a one great deal of miracle or big fall perhaps to make someone realize that to be in a relationship with someone gay or not, is bred with mutual respect and we just have to remind ourselves that we do it coming from a best place within our heart. Sad to say such spirit isn't always noticed as it's clouded by closemindedness.
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