Sunday, February 03, 2008

Brothers touchpoint

"In the Word brother signifies the same as neighbor, for the reason that every one ought to love his neighbor as himself; thus brethren were so called from love; or what is the same, from good. " Source:

I am an only child, so to me having some sibling be it a brother or sister was something I didn't have to really hope having. Nonetheless, in my life I've come across a lot of people some of which remained like a brother to me or sister for that matter.

This weekend was no ordinary weekend for me, it's a get together not only with equally talented, intelligent, loving brothers but a weekend to keep in my memory. It's not always a usual union since most of us had separated ways, worked abroad, lived distantly and crossed some other circle of friends. So this one is extra special in a way. We missed a lot of happenings but this touchpoint today made a big difference in catching up.

Indeed, like the Word said we developed from simple act of "good" nature which eventually led us all guys to treat like blood brothers though we're not. For me, it's a big deal since I don't have siblings they are my brothers. I regard them as one. It's been one heck of a ride for all of us, the happiness, the blessings that we all share. The commonalities that brought us all together is one significant bond that can't be discourage by anyone.

This get together moved a lot of gap and misses over some period of time. From this point perhaps we will continue to live and occassionally catch up. I love this union, this brotherhood. It is certainly one thing that I will not trade for any wealth at the most. Truly this is an amazing kindred of heart, ideas, strength and support with a breeze of fun, happy moments and touch of life's reality.

I honor thee my brothers on this section of my so-called life.

For my brethren and companions' sakes I will say, Peace be within thee (Ps. 122:8).

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