Saturday, July 07, 2012

Mornings of love

Many times in my past I have always dreamt of spending a different kind of routine apart from my usual stuffs. Special moments of waking up , looking at my window and thinking what the new day may have in store for me. To experience it knowing someone is with me to take a peek on what the new day seems to promise for us.

Today, among the many days and mornings that I've experienced in my life, I've come to share this beautiful Saturday morning with  someone I hold close dear to my heart. An awesome and real happy times that I cannot just let go just like that.

I never want this moment to end. I want each morning, each day to be a well-spent time. Be it on this current location where I stay or in the future home that I want to build and develop or to the new apartment I may be renting someday. Each new day knowing you are loved and inspired makes your life more meaningful amidst the stresses that you might encounter later in the day.

Mornings of love. Moments of love. In all the coming days of my life, I claim it to be.  Whether it  will be sunny, rainy or snowy, I hold true to my dream come true...with someone like you!

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