Sunday, September 21, 2008

Of weekend, lazing out, pinoy food, barnes and birthday planning

So this weekend was perhaps the most lazy weekend since I came here in Florida. Instead of going to the safari trip with office friends, I was so lazy to join so I just stayed home. A Saturday of just googling, browsing pinoychannel tv, eating, pig outing, laundry sorting, meeting adam etc etc .. All these laze out made my back ache.. a day of seating all day, lounging all day for all the nonsensible things. I just love it.

So this weekend was about thinking if I should go out to go bar hopping. But I just opted to drive around the FLL night street on a Friday then settle myself with a drive thru dunkin donuts coffee for as early as 5 AM of Saturday. After that, head home and sleep all throughout Saturday.

So this weekend was about going to the gym on a Saturday night, trying to lift some weights and lose some guts. It's a night to feel good about myself. A night to shoot some photos in the dark. A night to go back to my loungty and comfy Ikea chair and look at the boob tube while enjoying an uploaded For the First Time movie copy at Pinoychannel tv.

Lastly, this Sunday weekend was perhaps the summit of my lazy weekend. It gave me a headache. It made me useless the wholeday. Except for a lunch trip with office friends at Amay's Carinderia and Catering in Johnson St., I practically slept all day due to my headache. As I write now, I am cooking ginataang Tilapia, smells good, tastes even better. Have some!

So this weekend is the laziest weekend, all just in the comfy of my small abode. All the lazing out, the pinoy food I have here, birthday planning on the side all these weekend. Still such lazy feeling. I am just letting this flow for now. I don't intend this to eat my whole humanity and totality. I just hope this goes away asap. I don't really like to be lazy. It's like next to nothingness at all.

Post Script:

Barnes - when you're lazing out. Go to Barnes, they have books, you can read while sipping coffee or munching cakes at Starbucks. It's practically a comfy place to laze out while people watching, I mean watching the people, either cute, beautiful, sexy, handsome, hunky they go to Barnes and it's such a treat.. at least just for me.

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